9 Ways to Improve Curb Appeal

9 Ways to Improve Curb Appeal

Many homeowners think that the appearance inside their home matters more than the exterior. However, the exterior should also be appealing to create a good first impression and increase the home’s resale value. The first impression is vital in the real estate...
Reasons to Order a Home Inspection

Reasons to Order a Home Inspection

Reasons Buyers Should Order a Home Inspection A home inspection is one of the most important steps when purchasing a house. The inspection is a complete examination of the interior and exterior of the property. The home inspection report details the condition of the...
What is a 4 Point Inspection?

What is a 4 Point Inspection?

Older homes tend to have more safety issues and need updates to major systems. When purchasing a house, you need to secure homeowners insurance. However, many insurance companies are hesitant to insure an older home and require a 4 point inspection report before they...
Places to Notify When You Move

Places to Notify When You Move

When you move, there are many things on your to-do list including packing, hiring a moving company, cleaning your previous home, and getting rid of things you don’t need. Perhaps one of the most important things you need to do is notify certain people and places of...